gets a double page spread in Cosmopolitan's November issue!
absolutely love Cosmo and never miss an issue. It's fantastic to see AVON being
promoted in such a prestigious magazine as it gives great exposure, especially
to the beauty conscious minded people like myself.
Cosmopolitan they write of Avon's SuperShock collection.
Eyeshadow Pencil
Gel Eyeliner Pencil
Max Mascara
see the full 'how to' video go onto either Avon's or Cosmopolitan's website.
you want a brief explanation then carry on reading. A must when applying
make-up to the eye is to highlight the brow, this prevents the eye from looking
too heavy. This can be done with the SuperShock
Eyeshadow Pencil. The pencil has two nibs on either
end, one baring a dark colour while at the other end a much lighter colour.
This is the end you would use to highlight the brow, especially at the point of
arch to really define and open up the eye. The darker colour should be applied
to the crease in the eyelid working towards the eye. This creates striking
contrast between colours which begins to create a smokey feel.
The SuperShock Gel Eyeliner Pencil should be applied to the waterline of the eye (the inner
outline of the eye) to create intensity, while the SuperShock Eyeliner which
can be bought in shades of black, sapphire or brown should be applied to the
outline of the Gel Eyeliner.
The SuperShock Max Mascara is
then applied last, creating long luscious lashes. (Don't forget the lower
Dah! The perfect eye! Get ready for all those Christmas parties coming up. Get
As an AVON Independent Sales Leader part of my job is to sell Avon products. I didn't want to be a representative with no knowledge of the product I was selling or to be a representative who didn't buy any of the products, but however still expected her customers to. So this page is dedicated to Avon products I myself will buy and then review.
ANEW Youth-Awakening Lip Gloss
I was in dire need of a new lip gloss so decided on the ANEW Youth-Awakening Lip Gloss, the same brand as the ANEW Genics cream which has had huge coverage. It was £5 in campaign 16 as a special introductory price, it will usually set you back by £8.50. This is not too bad for a lip gloss which promises you many of things, one being that it should reduce the look of fine line lips. My lips aren't too thin but definitely gave them a plump shiny look.
What instantly attracted me to this specific lip gloss were the colours and shades available. I chose Plum Beautiful, which is pictured above but there are also warm pinks, mature reds, soft naturals, pinky beige's, all colours which I thought suitable for any age yet striking and appealing.
The lip gloss contains Shea Butter to help moisturise and condition the lips. The benefits of this should then presumably make the lips feel much smoother, therefore delivering younger looking lips. The lip gloss is SPF 15 meaning it can prevent harmful UVA rays which can cause harsh irreversible effects such as damaging of the skin and cancer. The lips need to be taken care of as just as much as the rest of the skin and it's sometimes an aspect some people forget. Stay healthy and nourish your lips while also delaying and diminishing the sign of wrinkles.
Avon Naturals, Moisturising Body Whip, Milk & Honey
This is one of the products I recently bought myself from Avon, the Milk and Honey Moisturiser. For £3 or the incredible mix and match offer of 4 for £5 in campaign 16 you can't really complain.
The Moisturising Body Whip is just one of the products from Avon's own brand 'Avon Naturals'. There are also hair and bath products from the same line. Products from Avon Naturals are safe to use for any skin types leaving skin softer or hair smoother.
For a 200ml tub of moisturiser I would normally pay around £10 so for £3 I decided to give it a try. There are also different scented moisturisers under the same name such as Vanilla and Red Rose & Peach. I decided to go for the Milk & Honey as I love scents that smell good enough to eat and this moisturiser certainly gave off that aroma.
For £3 I was pleasantly surprised. The substance isn't too heavy or thick and glides over the skin with ease. It absorbs quickly and that greasy feeling your normally left with after applying moisturiser is minimal with Avon's Body Whip.
The scent isn't too strong and leaves the skin soft and supple.
A great buy!